Prestressed precast beams

BIM/3D reinforcement

Element drawings & installation plans


Dean's inaugural major civil engineering venture is the Theemswegtracé. Situated in Rotterdam's port and industrial district, it entailed the construction of an approximately 4-kilometer-long railway viaduct. In November 2021, the first freight train journeyed along this route.

As an engineer at Spanbeton, Dean played a crucial role in this achievement, crafting 3D models of prestressed beams and specialized reinforcement designs. Dean's contributions to this project mark a significant milestone, and we take great pride in his role in making it a reality.

 Related projects executed for BAM Infraconsult.

To refer to all my other projects, you can visit my LinkedIn profile.

IMPORTANT: All projects were successfully completed during Dean's employment with the contractor BAM Infraconsult and the precast supplier Spanbeton.

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